Tuesday, 29 April 2008

I've been tagged!

Thanks Emma. Lets see how I go!

5 things found in my bag:

1. A book to read on the ferry
2. Mobile phone
3. Note book to jot things down
4. Water bottle
5. A thing of Stingose (go figure)

5 favourite things in my sewing room: (or what I would have if I had a sewing room!)

1. My pfaff
2. My cupboard of stuff
3. My bag patterns
4. My fabric
5. More of my fabric

5 things I have always wanted to do:

1. Go to a major league baseball game in the States
2. Go to an ice hockey game in Canada
3. Write a book
4. Teach in another country
5. Have a happy marriage. (Got that one!)

5 things I am currently into:

1. Reading Australian History (no, really, it's not as boring as you think!)
2. Trying to simplify my life
3. Researching building a house (hmmm, doesn't really gel with number 2, does it?)
4. Red Wine
5. My kids

5 people I am tagging:

1. Karen
2. Lara
3. Amanda
4. Bec
5. Xena

Sunday, 27 April 2008

Too nice a day to be inside.

It was a gorgeous day here today. Breeze was blowing, sun was out and it was way too nice to stay inside. But I wanted to sew. What's a girl to do? Well set up outside of course! We have a lovely wide verandah plus power points, so I felt no need to stay inside.

My goal for the day was to get the blocks of the jungle quilt sewn together. I'm glad to say, mission accomplished!
I'm really thrilled with how it has come up. My seams match, the colours look great and I'm just loving it! I'm now going to add a border the same green as the leaves. I'm trying to decide between a 2 inch and a 4 inch border. The yellow and orange strips are 2 inch. Any opinions?

I was in "the zone" after I finished this, so I pulled out a project I've been avoiding. I started a quilt for Luke at the end of last year. Once I'd sewn all my strips, I laid it out on the floor and was devastated to learn the strips didn't line up as they should have. My solution was to put it in a drawer to be dealt with another time. Yes, I know, very proactive! I had decided a few weeks ago that I would unpick it and start again, but when I pulled it out today, I thought I'd see if I could fudge it enough to live with. Well with a bit of ironing, stretching and pining, I managed to line up what I thought was impossible to line up. I'm not even half way through and I won't say I'm enjoying it, but at least I think it will be ok. It won't be perfect and I know that I will forever look at it and wonder what would have happened if I had measured a bit more carefully. I think I will keep it as a reminder of the importance of accuracy! Anyway, here is a progress shot and lets just say it will never be entered in a quilt competition.

Thursday, 24 April 2008

Been a bit Slack

Haven't done a lot of sewing, hoping to get some done this afternoon after I get through my list of things to do. I did receive a lovely parcel of scrap fabric from Helen as part of a scrap fabric swap. Lots of gorgeous bits and pieces beautifully tied. Now all I need to do is decide what to do with them!
I also finished the other 6 of the jungle fabric blocks. Once I sew them together, I'm thinking a green border of 4 inches.

Friday, 11 April 2008

Fiddly Friday

No WIP Wednesday so I decided on a Fiddly Friday! And Fiddly it was. I started the jungle baby quilt today and am so impressed with how it is looking so far. I'm in love with the bright colours. I am however, being more pedantic with my seams lining up, resulting in much unpicking. The first block I made, I unpicked one side 3 times before I worked out the way to pin it so it would stay lined up. I've found that rather than pining parallel to the side I am stitching, if I pin so the pin forms a 90 degree angle with the side, the fabric slips less. Pining this way, I only had to unpick 2 or 3 times and only once for each mistake. I'm sure all you seasoned quilters out there are going "Duh, how stupid are you!" but I know none of you will say it out loud! Anyway, the fruits of my labour today!

Six of the blocks have this set up (yellow top and bottom, orange on side) The other six will have the opposite scheme.

All six that I sewed today. The outside on the grass is my attempt at being slightly arty. I think I should stick to quilting and cross stitching for my artistic expression! I cut and sewed the strips as I went today. Although I find this slower than cutting all the pieces at once and then sewing, I found I was less likely to make a mistake or start rushing and therefore not cutting as carefully as I should.

Hopefully in the next day or two I will get the chance to go the other 6 and then I get to see if all my hard work making sure the seams line up pays off!

Wednesday, 2 April 2008

Unwashed, unironed but finished!

Just finished this pillow cover for my little girl. All I have to do now is decide what to do next.

Just looking at my list on the right, I think I might do the Nemo alphabet.