Saturday 21 March 2009

Currently reading...

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by JK Rowling.
The seventh and final book in the series, the only one I have only read once before! In fact it was my desire to reread this a bit more slowly and carefully that led me to rereading the whole series. For some reason I couldn't read the last without having read all the others first!

In crafty news (yes I have remembered this is suppose to be a crafty blog!), look out for a post a some stage today about fabric and my new project!


Purple Paisley Patch said...

Isn't it the Deathly Hallows? How's island life? Kids have been nagging us to visit. What is your visitor's schedule like?

Unknown said...

Oops, off to fix typo! Will call you about a visit soon. How's the first weekend in April for you?