Sunday 8 November 2009

First top done!

Here is the first of the four tops I need to do.
At least that's my attempt at an arty shot of it! I was quite pleased with how quickly it came together - took just over 2 hours sewing time, a little longer when you factor in the getting up to put washing on the line and make kids lunch.

I'm thinking it may need another, slightly thicker border is a single solid colour to frame it. What do you think? Any colour suggestions??
I'm thinking of trying to set one on point too - but it won't be until I near the end and I know I have time to stuff around!

I also sewed the nine patches for the second one

and started the nine patches for the third.
(They're the messy pile of chain pieced fabric near the machine!)

All in all, a most productive day!


Emma said...

Oh, well done! I definitely agree about ading a wider plain border. PS my word verifiction is eming, like my quilting!

Lily Mulholland said...

Yay - way to go Kylie you've started! What about aqua? It could even be a 'quiet' tone on tone.

Mark said...

Wow your quick! It looks great!